The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Nursing (HKCON) 香港骨科護理學院was established in March 2012 with the following objectives:
- To promote excellence in nursing and health care in Hong Kong through regulating orthopaedic nursing specialists’ practice and professional boundaries;
- To conduct nursing education, promulgating nursing research, define and endorse the standards of advanced nursing practice for the orthopaedic specialty;
- To collaborate with other nursing colleagues in local context and overseas to advance professional development.
Ms KONG Ching Yan, Ivy
Vice Presidents
Ms NG Lai Ping, Rebecca
Ms TANG Wai Chun Alice
Honorary Secretaries
Mr WONG Chi Yuen
Ms LAM Yun Chu, Winnie
Honorary Treasurer
Ms LAW Kam Yin
Council Members
Professional Development Committee
Ms YU Lai Fong (Chairman)
Ms WONG Pui Kwan, Winnie
Education Committee
Ms CHUNG Wai Ting, Elsa (Chairman)
,Ms CHOW Fung Yee, Carrie
Ms LAM Choi Wan, Shirley
Accreditation Committee
Ms WONG Kin I (Chairman)
Ms CHEUNG Wai Ling, Portia
Administration Committee
Mr TAM Kwong Tat (Chairman)
Ms CHOI Yuen Yee
Quality Committee
Ms LAU Pui Pui (Chairman)
Public Relations Committee
Ms CHAN Tan, Jessica (Chairman)
Ms CHAN Suk Wan, Amy
Mr SO Sheung Shu
Ms WONG Wai Kuen
Honourable Advisors
Prof. CHAN Siu Chee, Sophia
Prof. CHOW Shew Ping
Prof. LUK Dip Kei, Keith
Prof. LEONG Chi Yan, John
Dr. CHOW Yuk Yin
Prof. FUNG Yuk Keun, Sylvia
Prof. TIWARI Fung Yee, Agnes
Prof. LEE Tze Fan, Diana
Dr. LUM Shun Sui, Susie
Mr. TSANG Wing Wah
Prof. WONG Kwok Shing, Thomas
Honourable Legal Advisor
Mr LEUNG Wing Hang, Vitus
Honourable Information Technology Advisor
Mr CHAN Ka Lok, Alex